The Ultimate Festival Weekender

November 07, 2017

So you like festivals? You love the music? But … you hate camping!

Well The Weekender Festival in Jersey sounds like the right festival for you! In September, blogger Kara from Heels in My Backpack came over to visit for the festival. Staying with us at The Royal Yacht, she expresses that she “could get used” to this kind of festival lifestyle. Head out to the Weekender all day and come back to the luxury of The Royal Yacht Hotel!

Read about her experience of The Weekender here:

Wonky Factory, Weekender Festival


Kara also had the chance to explore the Island whilst she was here and one thing she noted was how very friendly the Islanders are, saying “I found everyone I spoke to in Jersey just so lovely”. This was also the case for “the bar staff, waiters and hotel receptionists we spoke to and I just came away with a really good impression of Islanders”.


Speaking about her hotel room, at The Royal Yacht, Kara said “We had a wonderfully large room with a big balcony overlooking the water and it was just heaven.”


Read Kara’s 7 Reasons why you should visit Jersey:


Join us next year!